My name is Danielle, and I am 26 years old. In 2019, I completed my four-year apprenticeship as a signmaker (EFZ) in advertising technology. From the very beginning, it was clear to me that my interests lay more in the digital and graphic field. My passion led me to the graphic department of my former apprenticeship company. After successfully completing my vocational baccalaureate in design and art, and obtaining the SAE certificate in 3D production, I am now studying at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the program "Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication: Data Design + Art."
In my free time, I build, sew, and wear costumes from games and movies. This is called cosplay, and it is my big hobby, into which I have probably invested thousands of hours. If I'm not sitting in front of my Bernina or burning myself with hot glue, I'm probably on a plane. When I travel, my camera is, of course, always with me!
Ich heisse Danielle und bin 26 Jahre alt. 2019 habe ich meine vierjährige Lehre als Gestalterin Werbetechnik EFZ abgeschlossen. Mir war von Anfang an klar, dass meine Interessen jedoch im digitalen und grafischen Bereich liegen. Meine Leidenschaft hat mich in die Grafikabteilung meines ehemaligen Lehrbetriebs gebracht. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Berufsmatur in Gestaltung und Kunst und dem darauffolgenden SAE Zertifikat für 3D Production, studiere ich nun an der Hochschule Luzern für Design Film Kunst im Studiengang «Bachelor of Arts in visual communication: Data Design + Art»
In meiner Freizeit baue, nähe und trage ich Kostüme aus Games und Filmen. Das ganze nennt sich Cosplay und ist mein grosses Hobby, in welches ich wahrscheinlich schon tausende von Stunden gesteckt habe. Wenn ich nicht gerade vor meiner Bernina sitze oder mich an Heissleim verbrenne, bin ich womöglich gerade in einem Flieger. Auf Reisen darf meine Kamera natürlich nicht fehlen!
Costume by me / Picture by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Picture by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Picture by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Picture by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Photo by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Photo by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Photo by Feuerklang Photography
Costume by me / Photo by Feuerklang Photography
Costume by me / Photo by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Photo by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Photo by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Photo by Seelenfang
Costume by me / Photo by AC Photography
Costume by me / Photo by AC Photography
Kauai, Hawaii, USA / Photo by me
Kauai, Hawaii, USA / Photo by me
Angkor, Cambodia / Photo by me
Angkor, Cambodia / Photo by me
Los Angeles, USA / Photo by private
Los Angeles, USA / Photo by private
Angkor, Cambodia / Photo by me
Angkor, Cambodia / Photo by me
Angkor Wat, Cambodia / Photo by me
Angkor Wat, Cambodia / Photo by me
Porto Cervo, Sardinia / Photo by me
Porto Cervo, Sardinia / Photo by me
Kaoh Kong, Cambodia / Photo by me
Kaoh Kong, Cambodia / Photo by me
My Son, Vietnam / photo by me
My Son, Vietnam / photo by me
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